What is iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation?

What is iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation?

iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation in combination with the healing vibrations of the gong, crystal singing bowl, and wave drum promotes deep relaxation. iRest is a meditation practice based on the ancient tradition of Yoga Nidra and adapted to suit the conditions of modern life.

When practiced regularly, iRest enables you to meet each moment of your life with unshakable peace and wellbeing, no matter how challenging or difficult your situation. iRest was developed by Dr. Richard Miller, a spiritual teacher, author, yogic scholar, researcher and clinical psychologist, who combined traditional yogic practice with Western psychology and neuroscience.

Based on current studies with iRest in the military, the Defense Centers of Excellence has approved iRest as a Complementary and Alternative Medicine warranting continuing research for its use in the treatment of PTSD. In addition, the U.S. Army Surgeon General has listed Yoga Nidra (based on research with iRest) as a Tier 1 approach for addressing Pain Management in Military Care. iRest has been shown to be effective in scientific trials for conditions including chronic pain, sleep problems, depression and anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Sound therapy alleviates stress that we accumulate on a daily basis by shifting our brainwaves from beta (associated with our sympathetic nervous system — fight or flight) and begins to move them into alpha, theta, and eventually delta brainwaves (associated with our parasympathetic nervous system — rest and digest).

This shift in brainwaves results in positive physiological reactions and neurological benefits, alleviating symptoms of: Sleep disorders, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and Chronic pain ... among others. Also, it helps regulates emotions, improves focus, promotes deep relaxation and deep states of meditation.

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation, iRest, Yoga Nidra, Army

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation

Meet Gordon Ivan Townsend (Jiwan Chander Singh)

Gordon is a KRI certified Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Practitioner (530 hr.), and is also certified in Gentle Hatha Yoga (230 hr.) and iRest® Yoga Nidra (Level 2). In addition, Gordon has studied trauma-informed yoga with Warriors at Ease, and the therapeutic benefits of incorporating the Gong, Mudra, Meditation, and Breath-Work.

Gordon plays his 28” Jupiter Gong, his 14” Crystal Singing Bowl, and other soothing sound instruments during the deep relaxation (sound therapy— sound bath) session of each yoga or meditation class. The sound waves from these instruments can resonate within the body at the cellular level, promote the free flow of energy throughout the body, and release chronic tension allowing a deeper state of meditation, rest, and calm.

Gordon is retired as a Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas following a long career in public health. In addition, Gordon lived 12 years in central México where he created a successful business developing, manufacturing, and distributing natural health products.

He is excited to share his passion for the calming, balancing, and rejuvenating qualities of yoga, gong, and meditation.

Gordon teaches iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation on Thursdays at 7pm.